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Kindle For Amazon Mac raigdemet

by afsuchilmo 2021. 3. 13.

Step 1 Connect your Android device to your computer Step 2 Your downloaded Kindle titles will be stored at two different places depends on how did you get these Kindle books.

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amazon Kindle/Data/Library/Application Support/Kindle/My Kindle Content Situation 2 For kindle for Mac installation you downloaded beyond the App stores, such as from Amazon website, or software download websites, you will find the path of 'My kindle content' folder will be totally different.

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Before reading the following part, you need to make sure your kindle books have been downloaded to your devices already.. You can either upload this file to your Kindle device or view it in Kindle Previewer to check the quality of your eBook before publishing.

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Your default kindle content path has been changed successfully Where are Kindle Books Stored on Mac?If you are a mac user, you need to know where did you get your Kindle for Mac app? Two situations need to be considered.

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Q: Can I change the location of Kindle books on Mac?A: Sure, you can choose where to store your downloaded kindle books on Mac.. Even if you have purchased many kindle books already, I guess many of you have various difficulties in finding your downloaded kindle books on PC, Mac or Android devices.. Used Kindles On AmazonKindle For The MacKindle App For Mac OsKindle App For Windows 10Cali MacKay is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author.. Run Kindle for PC-->Tools-->Options-->Content Here you will see your current content folder for Kindle books.. Below is the kindle books location on Windows 10/7/8: C:Usersyour computer user nameDocumentsMy Kindle ContentQ: Can I change the location of Kindle books on PC?A: Sure, you can change the Kindle book location.. Where are Kindle books stored on PC, Mac, or Android? You will get a complete answer in this article.. Click on “Change folder” and select the folder you want to stored kindle books and then click on “Save” button. e828bfe731